Sharing God's Generosity
Giving generously is an essential part of what it means to be a disciple, a follower of Jesus Christ. As God has poured out so much to us in His love through Jesus, so we need to respond to His generosity in our lives.
Christian giving isn't just about covering bills for Church, nor is it paying a subscription. It's an act of worship, living out a real desire to see God's Church grow and flourish for the communities we serve. The Church receives no state income or income from the wider Church. Your generosity enables us to pay for our ministry costs, keep all our services going, serve the community and gives us the resources to grow and expand new and exciting initiatives for future generations.
Click here to give a quick and simple online donation. You can also very easily set up regular payments.
If you are a UK Taxpayer you can declare gift aid which means 25 percent of your giving will be added on.
Standing Order
This is the best way to give regularly. You can setup a standing order at your local bank or online with these details:
Bank: Lloyds Bank plc
Sort Code: 30-15-04
Account Number: 00232601
Ref: GEN/ Your Surname
If you would like to complete an electronic form to start giving or increase your giving to St Mary's please click here. Please note you still need to set up the Standing order with the bank yourself. The form is for our records.
If you would prefer to fill out a paper form you can request one from or pick one up in Church.
For any other queries about giving, please don't hesitate to contact us at We would be glad to answer any questions and guide you through the process.
Thank you
We're so grateful for your generosity, and for all that it enables the Church Family to be able to do to in serving our community.​