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Spiritual Toolbox
There are so many resources that can help us grow on our journey of faith. Please see below some areas of spiritual life, and some helpful resources to explore. We will be gradually adding to this page, so continue to watch this space!
General Resources
Practicing the Way
John Mark Comer is a current leading figure in helping people to develop their spiritual lives to become more like Jesus.
Click here for a rule of life builder, to help you build your own rhythms of spiritual practices.
JMC's most recent book is a very accessible and helpful introduction into connecting more closely to Jesus, becoming more like him, and doing as he did.

The Celebration of Discipline
Richard Fosters classic work ' the discipline of celebration, gives focus to particular practises such as prayer, meditation, dwelling on scripture, studying, worship etc.

Lectio 365
Lectio 365 is a prayer app that helps us connect with God morning and evening. It can be as short as 10 mins or you can use it as a springboard for a longer more reflective time of prayer.
Click here for more information on how to download the app

Church of England Daily Prayer
The Church of England has a regular pattern of set prayer. You can purchase this as a physical copy or download the app.
Click here to purchase or download.

Pray as you go
Pray as you go is rooted in Ignatius spirituality. On average each time of prayer last around 12 minutes
Click here to listen online or download the app

Dwelling in Scripture
Bible in a Year
Bible in a Year helps interpret and apply the meaning of the bible in our everyday lives. You can choose the shorter 12 minute express version or the 20 minute longer version. It also has a version for youth.
Click here for more information on how to download the app

The Bible Project
Tim Mackie is a great scholar and communicator who helps us unpack each book of the bible as well as different biblical themes. Most videos are fun, interesting and only 8 minutes long!
Click here for their YouTube page

This inspiring video from Richard Garnett speaks to us of the difference that radical giving can make for God's Kingdom.
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